Monday, June 18, 2018


Comment to “Trump cannot get its story straight…”

Gosh, the inhabitants of this continent over a thousand years ago had a lousy immigration policy.  First they let those drunken, war-mongering Vikings in.  Then they let some murderous Spaniards in.

Pete Seeger captured this mistake with his tale of two Indians watching a little boat come ashore from a bigger boat.  A man stepped out of the little boat and said "Buenos dias, seƱores."  One Indian looked at the other and said, "Well, there goes the neighborhood!"

And this invasion from Europe just grew and grew until it was a flood that overwhelmed and often killed the original inhabitants.

I think these illegal aliens should go back where they came from.

Gosh!  What am I going to do?  I am a descendant of these illegal aliens.  But how can I "go back where I came from"?  I would have to be sent back in pieces.  I have known ancestors from England, Germany, and Poland, and probably as my name suggests, from Ireland.

Interestingly, many of the ancestors of these "illegal" immigrants once upon a time freely crossed the Rio Grande, moving back and forth for trade and for better weather.  Then a bunch of these Europeans decided they wanted the land north of the Rio Grande, and...