Friday, August 31, 2018

Intrusive online ads

Some months ago, I believe it was the online Duluth News Tribune that had intrusive ads for Amazon that took over the screen and the browser tab.  the only way I made the ads disappear was to close the tab and open a new tap.  I complained about it several times and they haven’t appeared since.

Today, the online Washington Post had two of these same intrusive ads for Amazon.  The only way I got rid of them was to close the tabs.

It is one thing to have ads in a sidebar or interspersed in stories.  We have the same in print media.  The ads help cover some of the costs of putting out the publications so that we pay less.  We can skip the ads or we can read them; it is our choice.  But these ads are not our choice.

No matter what online publication you are reading, if this happens to you be sure to let the publishers know.

In the case of the Washington Post, send email to

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I had a dream

My apologies to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for using a variation of the title of one of his major speeches.

My dream early this morning was about a similar nemesis: those whose only interest is ruling with a false idea of conservatism and a misuse of religion.

The false idea of conservatism is holding on to power, irregardless of how it affects the vast majority of the citizens.  This conservatism puts the interests of some large corporations over the interests of large segments of the population.  The misuse of religion is to claim to have the truth even as it acts contrary to the teachings of its greatest prophet.

My dream was that teams of journalists met all over the country to unite against the attacks by false conservatives on the journalists integrity and professionalism.  Interestingly, many of these journalists being attacked are real conservatives, like George Will and Jennifer Rubin.

What is a real conservative?  We can start by naming a few: Adam Smith, Edmund Burke, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Dwight Eisenhower.  All of these have given warning about the order of men that is not to be trusted.

Adam Smith warned about those who live by profit.  Edmund Burke warned about the folly of not allowing the colonies to govern themselves.  George Washington warned about factions and about foreign entanglements (letting both friends and enemies control our judgment).  Abraham Lincoln stated that we had to think anew with new circumstances.  Dwight Eisenhower warned about the military-industrial complex.

The best way to counter these false conservatives is to vote in each and every election.  These false conservatives do all they can to dissuade people from voting from gerrymandering to false statements about their opponents.

Until such time as real conservatives appear on the scene, I’ll just have to keep voting for Democrats.  I don’t support many of the issues of the Democrats, but these issues are not so destructive of our country as the issues proclaimed by false conservatives.