I’ve been neglecting this blog for a variety of reasons.
For a long time it seems that all the readers were trolls from Russia or Italy. Today the bulk of the readers were from the United States.
An indicator of usage seems to have stuck and wasn’t increasing at all.
I spent more of my time posting comments to articles on the New York Times, the Washington Post, and some times on the Star Tribune and Duluth News Tribune. The Post is wide open, posts immediately, and rarely deletes a comment. The Times reviews comments before posting them. The Star Tribune and the Duluth News Tribune have much less space and might edit beyond all recognition. I’ve just about given up on the Duluth News Tribune.
Maybe lots of my readers are “Trump weary” and get enough of him via TV and daily newspapers.
I’ll try to post a wider range of articles. If you ore a relative or a friend, send me your thoughts.