Thursday, April 26, 2007

Mallard Fillmore

I mentioned the "Mallard Fillmore" comic strip in my latest column, "General Ization battles truth" for the Reader Weekly. I posted it today to my website; and when I do so, I add as many links as possible, one of them being to the Mallard Fillmore strip. When I find a URL I often visit the site.

I found out that the creator, Bruce Tinsley, was fired by the paper where he created the strip. The website said it was because he "wouldn't tone down its conservative bias." I agree that it has a conservative bias and is often off the wall. But firing him just plays into the hands of those who say the media is "liberal".

I think a better solution would have been to have a "truth squad" cartoon that debunked some of Tinsley's outrageous statements. For example, when Mallard bashes the post office for damaging packages, the "truth squad" could ask, and maybe answer, how many packages UPS or FedEx damage.