Wednesday, May 02, 2007

An apology that won't be made

Thomas Friedman wrote an excellent article today, May 2, 2007, in the New York Times about what President Bush should say to the regional conference in Egypt about stabilizing Iraq.

Not only does he suggest that Bush apologize for starting and mismanaging the war, but that Bush should call strongly on the Arab and Muslim nations to stand-up to the nihilist terrorists who bomb civilians indiscriminately. Friedman points out that they are already trying to destabilize Muslim governments with killings.

My thoughts are that the "war on terror" cannot be waged militarily but must be waged with police and propaganda. As long as some people see Al Qaeda and its ilk as glamorous for attacking the U.S., there is no hope of eliminating terrorism. The U.S. and Muslim leaders must more actively portray these nihilists as having no plan but to destroy those who try to build a civil society.