A recent argument I’ve seen is that it is not carbon dioxide that is causing global warming but warmer oceans. See http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/06/23/rick-perry-got-tongue-lashing-from-american-meteorological-society-did-deserve-it.html.
Although the author, Roy Spencer, is a meteorologist, I question his attacking climate scientists for using global warming to get funding. Spencer defends Energy Secretary Rick Perry for stating that the “control knob is the ocean waters and this environment we live in."
Ocean waters are responsible for global warming? How do ocean waters get warmer? Increased under-ocean volcanic activity? Hotter sun? Or maybe it is hotter air, caused by carbon dioxide not letting warmer air dissipate!
Could it be that Rick Perry has ties to oil companies? See http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/perry-oil-industry-energy-department/.
Note also that Spencer is a meteorologist, not a a climatologist.