His relentless attacks on Mitt Romney may also help re-elect Barack Obama. If so, Republicans may really rethink their support of money as speech. Gosh, if I have enough money to put a loud-speaker truck on every corner and blast my message so loud that nobody can have any conversation, would shutting down my loud-speakers take away my free-speech rights. Far-fetched. What about being the highest bidder for so much television time that nobody can even get a second of air-time? Is that a free-speech right?
But getting back to the real world of individual citizens, there are steps we can do to halt Super-PACs.
1) Don't watch TV. This is the easiest way to ignore Super-PACs
2) Show up and vote
3) Read newspapers and magazines. You can easily skip over pages you don't like.
4) Vote what you believe; ignore poll results
5) Talk politics with friends. Don't be passive about voting.
6) Vote in every election.
7) In case I didn't mention it, Vote! It's your patriotic duty.