Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's time for a little levity

Enough with oil spills, storms, demonstrations in Iran, and all the turmoil in the world.  Let's take a moment to laugh a little.

One of our coffee group is very good with quips.  The trouble is that we often forget them even though we laugh and laugh at the time he comes out with them.  He often forgets them himself.

One that we forgot but he didn't was "If bubble wrap is used for Petri dishes, is that pop culture?"

He wore shorts earlier this week and when I said he had declared it's summer, he responded, "Summery judgment."

I had two I came up with this week, but I didn't write them down, now each of them is a lost word.  That weak pun made me think of another pun.

Did you hear about the lumber truck driver who didn't know that he dropped part of his load?  It was a lost cord.

Not remembering quips or not writing them down, reminds me of a saying of my favorite English teacher, Miss Palmer.  She defined wit as "That which you have on the way home that someone else had at the party."