Thursday, July 08, 2010

Gun rights vs. community rights

The Coffee Party web site has an interesting blog "Personal Rights vs. Community Rights".

One of the interesting statements is "I do not carry a loaded weapon in a crowded area because of what that gun could do to innocent lives if it were accidentally to go off."

Have those who exercise their "right" to bear arms by carrying a loaded pistol in stores, churches, and other public places considered the number of police officers who have been killed with their own guns?  Police officers receive extensive fire arms training and practice.  If a crazy can grab a gun from a well-trained police officer, cannot a crazy grab a gun from a less well-trained person?  Especially in a public place where people are in close proximity to each other.  Shane had the benefit of wide open spaces and carefully choosing where he sat.  Other gun-carriers are not living in the Old West, but in crowded cities.