In my part of Duluth we had about 12 inches of snow on the night of 2010-12-20. The city snow plow drivers did a great job of clearing the streets, but the result is heavy packed snow on our sidewalk, too much for this little 5hp 22in snowblower, and definitely too much for my back.
According to city ordinance, home owners are responsible for clearing their sidewalks within twenty-four hours of a snowfall. However, if the city plows push snow on to the sidewalk, the city is responsible for clearing the sidewalk.
Even if I made a Herculean effort to clear the sidewalk, it would be futile. When the plows come by again, there will more heavy snow on the sidewalk.
If last year's Christmas week storm is any guide, the city won't clear our sidewalk for at least a week. Meanwhile, pedestrians of all ages and abilities have to walk in the street; they are taxed for the city not raising taxes.