Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bad economy? Good economy?

I called my dentist's office last Friday for an appointment for semi-annual checkup.  I wrote down the appointment as being next Monday.  Imagine my surprise to get home yesterday to a message that they were waiting for me.  Whoever heard of getting a routine appointment for the next business day?

Is this a sign that the economy is bad?  Not enough people are willing to spend money for dentists?  Or is it that the practice is relatively new and hasn't built a large patient base yet?

Whatever, I called this morning, apologized, and scheduled an appointment for next Monday.

Articles have appeared recently about people starting small breweries or brewpubs.  The popularity of locally brewed, small-batch beer has been growing for a few years, and it seems that new breweries are popping up all the time, despite the "bad economy".  Are these brewers guys with stars in their eyes or do they know something large corporations don't know?  After all, many claim large businesses aren't expanding because of the uncertain economic climate.  Seeing articles frequently about local start-ups of many different genres, I'd say the economy is good.  At least it is better than the large corporations want the government to believe.