Sunday, July 17, 2011

You are being manipulated, lied to, and bamboozled! Here's how

So you think the U.S. has the best health care system in the world, that free enterprise made this country great and any government intervention stifles free enterprise, and you think that we don't have global warming but maybe climate change, then you are being manipulated, lied to, and bamboozled by the spin doctors of large corporations.  They are putting out big bucks in advertising to get us to see things their way and big bucks in campaign contributions and lobbying to have governments do things their way.  Forget, "We the People".

The writers of the U. S. Constitution used "people" in the sense of communities.  When they meant individuals they used "persons" or "citizens".  Large corporations don't want communities, whether they are unions, co-operatives, or any other group where people come together for their common economic interest.  They want isolated individuals to whom they can target their messages.

I've long suspected that corporate interests aren't my interests, or even many others interests, but I've become strongly aware of this after reading three books on corporate manipulation of us and our elected officials.

The first was "Deadly Spin" by Wendell Potter on how the health insurance companies work to minimize their payouts and maximize their profits, even if it gives bad health outcomes to their customers.  I have already written about this book; see "Benefits - Getting mad at the wrong people?"

The second is "23 Things They Don't Tell You about Capitalism" by Ha-Joon Chang.  Chang's first Thing is "There is no such thing as a free market", that is individuals acting in their own best interest.  This free market idea simplifies individuals into economic entities without complex personalities.

The third is "Life, Inc., How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take it Back" by Douglas Rushkoff.  His starting point is how limited liability corporations started and what they enabled.  Like any good idea, this has morphed into a monster that "The People" can't control.

If you can stomach reading about the manipulations, you might find these books very informative and fascinating.  If you're reading this blog, you probably see the world as a more complex place than the spin doctors would have us believe.  These books might give you more information to counter the spin doctors.  If you think the world is relatively simple, then please read these books before you vote again.