Saturday, November 12, 2011

Is it time for a Constitutional Convention - in Europe?

In 1787, many politicians agreed that the Articles of Confederation of the former British colonies weren't working. In 2011 many politicians agree that the Euro area of the European Union is not working.

In 1787, many American politicians organized a convention to draft a constitution "form a more perfect union". In 2011 should European politicians organize a convention to draft a constitution to form a more perfect union?

Farfetched? True, the various European countries have varied histories and varied languages. On the other hand, who thought in the early 1950s that former enemies would meet to start the European Economic Community, aka Common Market. And how many thought in the 1960s that the European Economic Community would morph into the European Union, encompassing even more former enemies and even more widely varied histories and varied languages?

Are there any James Madisons or Alexander Hamiltons today? Are there any Jean Monnets, Konrad Adenaurers, or Robert Schumans today? That is, are there any visionaries today who can see beyond the machinations and maneuverings of today and can lead to the United States or Europe to better governance?