Former Florida Republican Governor Charlie Christ has come out in support of Barack Obama. See
"Here's why I'm backing Obama", Tampa Bay Times, 2012-08-26.
Once upon a time I was active in the Republican Party, and then it nominated Ronald Reagan over John Anderson. I did keep voting for Bill Frenzel, Rep., 3rd District, MN, until he retired. And I voted for Arne Carlson for governor when he replaced the Republican candidate who behaved inappropriately in a swimming pool with teen-age girls.
And the Republicans have gotten even worse. If they really looked at Ronald Reagan's ability to compromise, they would consider him a "Marxist".
I keep hoping the current Republicans will self-destruct and be replaced by a common-sense party based on facts rather than ideology. Meanwhile, I feel compelled to vote for Democrats even though they try to cater to too many narrow interests.