Saturday, October 07, 2006

Great cities need three great things

Barb Kolodge, a heavy equipment operator for Duluth street maintenance wrote an impassioned op-ed piece in the Duluth News-Tribune, October 6, 2006. She asked readers to write the city leaders whether we think streets are a need or a want. I sent the following to the mayor, two councilors, and the director of public works.

I just read Barb Kolodge’s op-ed piece in yesterday’s News Tribune.

I think good streets are a need. I appreciate the work the city has done on E. 8th St., the upper end of Woodland, and Snively Rd. Our vehicles appreciate the smooth ride (except for the sunken sewer grates) and our backs are in better shape. But there is so much left to do.

A great city needs three things – a great police department, a great fire department, and a great transportation system. Transportation includes streets, sidewalks, and public transit. Police and fire have been great, but unfortunately there are those who want to cut back these. Transportation is a mixed bag. There are streets and alleys that look like third world roads. I’ve mentioned how pedestrian-unfriendly some sidewalks are. Buses are in good shape and most drivers are friendly, courteous, and skilled. But given the streets, riding a bus can be a jarring experience. BTW, when was the last time you took the bus regularly?

If police, fire, and transportation are not great, nothing else matters. You can build all the fancy buildings you want, but if the infra-structure is not great the buildings will matter little except to those outside the city.