Sunday, October 22, 2006

Major party shift coming?

Will a major party shift occur by the next Presidential election? There are signs that it is beginning in Kansas and elsewhere.

This morning's Duluth New Tribune carried a Washington Post story, "Moderates in Kansas decide that they're not in the GOP anymore" (Washington Post, Oct. 19, 2006). I'd call it RINO becomes RINNA (Republican in name only becomes Republican in name not anymore).

Right now the Green Party is a distant third party in many areas. It has won many local and some state offices, but has no representation in Washington. Much of its agenda matches that of the "progressive" wing of the Democratic Party. If moderate Republicans start moving to the Democratic Party, will they, allied with moderate Democrats, take over the Democratic Party. If so, will more left-leaning Democrats start moving to the Green Party? And if this shift occurs on a large scale, will it leave the Republican Party as a minor third party? Will we be saying GOP R.I.P. (Rest in Peace)?