Sunday, October 08, 2006

Wimpy moderns

I wrote this on Friday night and had hoped to post it yesterday, but...

Brimson - sometime before 5:30 p.m. the power went off. How did Abraham Lincoln do it? I am sitting in our cabin relying on a Coleman lantern. I can see well enough, but I have to sit with my notebook (paper that is) propped on my knee.

I called the power co-op to report this; a recording told me that power was out in Brimson and they were working to restore it.

We went for a walk because Jan was getting a headache from the lantern fumes. It was getting stinky.

There was a full moon behind some clouds and I got some interesting photos. I don't know if they will be sharp enough. [They weren't.]

I was getting cold and we walked back to the cabin. Just as I turned up the lantern, the radio came on, signaling the power was restored. [The time was about 7:30.] Now I have a window open and a fan going to clear the air. Ah, I hear the clink of coffee beans; Jan is making coffee.


I didn't mention that before our walk we had a cold supper, mostly by eating Saturday's lunch on Friday evening and having Friday's supper for lunch on Saturday. We do all of our cooking at the cabin on a hot plate or with a microwave. We could have pulled out the Coleman stove, but we would have had to use it outside with fading light. Poor wimpy moderns!

I checked the Two Harbors Chronicle online for any news of the incident and found none. We thought maybe a car hit a pole. Nothing in the Duluth News Tribune either. If I hadn't written this, I wouldn't have emailed Co-operative Light & Power. I bet I receive a reply tomorrow. A lot better than calling or emailing some far-off call center that doesn't even know where Brimson is.