Monday, July 27, 2009

Pragmatic Republicans, It's time to abandon ship

With some Republican office holders supporting the "birther" movement, and with many Republican office holders indulging in "Just say no!", it's time for office holders who want to address the real problems of this country to abandon ship and form a new party.

It has been done successfully at least twice in the U.S. The Whig Party was formed to address the overreach of President Andrew Jackson. It had two candidates win the Presidency. The Republican Party was formed because many thought the Whigs were not adequately fighting the extension of slavery. The Republican Party has had some successful candidates who addressed the problems of their times.

But now the party has become home to many people who have many contradictory ideas and would rather blame Democrats for any and all ills than offer any real solutions.

Like Abraham Lincoln who withdrew from politics rather than be a Whig, many moderate Republicans have withdrawn to the sidelines rather than be active in the current Republican Party.

Lincoln re-entered politics as a Republican and went on to be a very successful President. Maybe one of the current sideliners might join a new pragmatic party and go on to be a very successful President.