Friday, March 30, 2012

Three surprising things about this blog

1.  Every day, people read this blog in at least five other countries besides the United States.  These other countries can be located on any of the six populated continents.

2.  More often than I would think, a search for keywords puts this blog on the first page.

3.  Only about 30 people a day read this blog.

If you enjoy reading my whimsey and my "wisdom", or even my rants and ravings, please tell two other people about this blog.

Also, if you're one of my friends who is clicking ads to give me a little more income, please don't.  I have no idea what ads have been clicked on, but you are hurting whoever placed the ad.  These ads could be placed by Mega Corp or by Mom and Pop's corner store.  Many ads only cost a penny or two and some cost two or three dollars.  I appreciate the income, but not at somebody else's unproductive expense.  This holds double if you are a Democrat clicking on Republican ads or a Republican clicking on Democratic ads.  Aren't political campaigns expensive enough as it is?