Saturday, January 12, 2013

I'm still here!

To my loyal readers, I apologize for not posting any entries for the last few days.

My computer-use energy has been sapped by two problems and I've spent hours trying to resolve them.

One is confusion over my Apple ID, that which I need to access iTunes to download apps and podcasts.  Some apps are linked to one Apple ID and some are linked to another.  I won't bore you with the details, partly because I'm not sure of the details myself.  I do know that the Apple message boards have many messages about similar problems.

Two is trying to use the Duluth News Tribune Digital Edition.  The link descriptions are not clear, you need a special browser to use it, and some of the buttons are not very responsive.  I've spent hours trying to make it work.  Ironically, the Star Tribune uses the same software and I have no problem with it.