Monday, February 03, 2014

They said, he said, finding sources of "quotes"

I am considering sending a comment to the Minnesota DNR on the proposed PolyMet mining project in northern Minnesota.  I would use the Adam Smith quote about not trusting those who live by profit, and I would like to quote Tony Baldwyn, CEO of BP at the time of the Gulf Oil Spill.  I thought I had a good one about the "very modest environmental impact.  The problem was I could only find one source, and that was in a YouTube that had been pulled for copyright infringement.

Well, I persisted and found the original.  It was an interview with Sky News, "BP Chief: Oil Spill Impact 'Very Modest'".  He said "I think the environmental impact of this disaster is likely to have been very, very modest."  That is what I heard him say on the video and what was stated in the web page.

Now Tony Hayward is "Interim Non-Executive Chairman" of Glencore Xstrata and on the Health, Safety, Environmental & Communities Committee!  Glencore owns about 18% of PolyMet.  Since Glencore owns shares of Polymet, if there are any major problems it need only sell its shares and have no further responsibility.