I visited a fortune teller to ask what Donald Trump would be doing for the next year or two. She refused to take my money; she said Trump is too unpredictable.
She did offer to let me talk to George Washington for his thoughts.
Washington did say that the city of Washington should be renamed because it has gone against all of his hopes and advice. He said that Trump reminded him of Pete Seeger’s song “The Big Muddy” in which “the big fool says to push on.”
Washington said that he and Seeger had struck up quite a friendship. In fact, Washington said that Seeger is a true populist.
Washington saved his great scorn for the Senate. He complained that every year they read his “Farewell Address” and every year they ignored it completely, especially the parts about factions, excessive military, and avoiding foreign entanglements. He started to list “enemies” who should be our friends and “friends” we should hold at a distance, but the time I paid the fortune teller for ran out.