Monday, June 29, 2009

Falcons in Duluth

I was walking on Superior St. in Duluth and saw a man leaning against a corner of a building. I was ignoring him until I caught site of his binoculars. I stopped, turned around, and asked him if he was watching for falcons.

He said yes and pointed to one atop the Norshor Theatre. He said it was one of the recent fledglings and was already a full size male. After a few minutes I continued down the street. When I got to the next intersection, I looked back and he was still there. He must not have seen any acceptable prey, most likely pigeons. On the other hand were pigeons staying away because they saw him on his perch?

When I got home, I checked for recent stories in the Duluth News Tribune. The one on this family said that they had been raised in a box on the top of Greysolon Plaza.

I also did a search on falcons and found "How do peregrine falcons fly so fast?" It has two interesting videos. One comparing the flight of falcons and eagles and the other showing how pigeons can escape from falcons.

If the falcons can't find enough pigeons, will they move on to the gulls in Canal Park?