Friday, October 07, 2011

"The media" and Occupy Wall St.

I was at a meeting about politics earlier this week, and some people who can be counted on to take a "strong left" opinion complained bitterly that "the media" had not covered the Occupy Wall St. demonstrations.

From the Coffee Party I knew that it was in the planning stages, and I knew when it began, and I knew when major newspapers started covering it.

But is every large newspaper or news network supposed to cover every demonstration anywhere in the U. S. when only a dozen or so people show up. It's sort of like people complaining that their event wasn't covered in the local newspaper. Did any of the event organizers let the newspaper know? What competing stories were covered at that time?

Now the Occupy Wall St. movement has gained critical mass and even editorials are being written about it. As opposed to the Tea Party complaint about "an excessively powerful federal government","an active and angry band of citizens is insisting that the concentrated power most Americans need to fear exists on Wall Street and in the financial system." - E. J. Dionne, Jr., Washington Post, reprinted in the Star Tribune as "The conservative tide ebbs, the progressive tide flows", 2011-10-06.