Sunday, April 15, 2012

To beat somebody with a stick, recite to them a limerick

My wife and I were talking after dinner about the connection between how much I write and how much I read.  I said that I don't read so much as that I write a lot about what I do read.  She replied that I do read a lot compared to many other people.

She then asked about how to get out of the Limerick group on Facebook that a relative put us into to.  I said that I had already dropped out, but she hadn't figured out how to yet.

Of course, those who know me well know that this will create all kinds of associations in my head, both clever and silly.  With about four or five iterations I came up with the following:

There was a lady from Limerick
Who had a very poor memorick.
She wore lots of bows
To get lots of beaus.
She got one, but was it Tom or Rick?

Before the above result, I had the last line as:

She got a laddie and lost him quick.

I didn't think that was a good parallel to the second line.

On my first try I had a different ending, but …