Sunday, November 18, 2012

A couple bumper stickers I'd like to see

You've probably seen the bumper sticker "Start seeing motorcycles".  When I see these, I wonder if the drivers of these cars are seeing pedestrians.  Some are, some aren't.  Regardless, I'd like to see the bumper sticker:
Start seeing pedestrians!
Just last week, the light for traffic going in my direction and the pedestrian light went on at the same time.  A driver in a pickup truck who wanted to turn right looked to his left and proceeded to turn right without ever looking my way.  I hollered, "Watch for pedestrians" and he stopped momentarily and then proceeded.  I hope my message got to him.

I have a good idea of the accuracy of our vehicles and speedometers.  I do my best to drive at the speed limit, but others don't.  On freeways many go whizzing by at five or ten miles over the limit.  On city streets with 30 mph I've had a backup behind me.  So, the bumper sticker I'd like to see is
What part of speed limit don't you understand?