"'Who says we're any better keeping people's money than they are?' asked Sen. Dick Day, R-Owatonna."
"It's too easy to change state Constitution, legislators say", Star Tribune, 2009-02-10
So, if people know best how to spend their money, then all roads should be toll roads. After all, people will know best which roads are most cost-effective for their needs. And all 911 calls should be toll calls. After all, people will know whether it is worth the cost to call for an emergency response.
Unfortunately, often the same people who think that the people know best how to spend their money are the ones who think we should support any war the president decides should be waged. Unfortunately again, these people don't want to pay for these wars by taxing the people now.
Oh well, since when have people been consistent in their beliefs and their actions.
See also
Who's to blame for high taxes?
The paradoxes of tax cuts
Straight talk on taxes