Tuesday, August 30, 2011

No car left behind

Some people have recent model cars that have been well-maintained.  They regularly take their cars to dealers for oil changes and check-ups.  Many problems are caught early, and some problems are fixed at no charge to the owners.

Some people have older model cars that are worn-out, badly-maintained, or both.  When problems happen, they often can't afford the repair costs at a dealer.  They just drive with the problem, fix it themselves, have a friend fix it, or take it to a local garage.  If a local garage attempts to fix the problem, it may be able to a great job, an adequate job, or an improper job, the last causing even more problems.

Taking a page from No Child Left Behind, we should fire any mechanic that does not show yearly improvement in successfully repairing cars.  It doesn't matter if he or she is reasonably successful with a majority of the "basket cases" brought in, if he or she doesn't improve from year to year…