Thursday, June 28, 2012

Quotes of the day - Magical thinking still persists

"[I]f the science didn’t prove what it had been told to prove, then the science had been tampered with by Satan."

In 2004, the Union of Concerned Scientists issued "Scientific Integrity in Policy Making", signed "by more than 60 of the country's most accomplished scientists".  "The eight years that have passed since its publication have brought with them not only the illusion of “The Magic Kettle” on Wall Street, but also the election of President Barack Obama in the belief that he would enter the White House as the embodiment of Merlin or Christ."

Lewis H. Lapham, "Magic and the Machine", republished in Utne Reader, originally in the Summer 2012 issue of Lapham's Quarterly.

Science doesn't agree with us that there is no global warming, so we'll find a scientist paid by a fossil fuel company who agrees with us.  And so, the globe is still warming.

Barack Obama didn't deliver all the "Change" that we wanted, so we won't vote for any Democrats in 2010.  And so, the stay-at-homes gave more power to Obama's opposition

Ah, so often magical thinking gets just the opposite of the result desired.

The globe is still warming and even faster because many efforts at slowing it were stymied by politicians.

The stay-at-homes didn't cast their votes for Democrats and so more Republicans opposed to Obama were elected.