Thursday, June 27, 2013

An old joke about problem solving

The problem of Microsoft Outlook causing a disabling of the keyboard/trackpad made me think about an old joke about a tough automobile problem.  See "Computer withdrawal resolution continued".

Decades ago, an auto dealer gave his wife her choice of cars on his lot.  She happily drove away in a nice new model but was back in an hour because the engine was running so roughly.

The mechanics tested everything they could think of and found nothing.  She drove off again but was back again in another hour.  Same problem of engine running roughly.

The mechanics pulled out all their diagnostic manuals and tried all the suggestions.  Again, the engine ran quite well for them.  She drove off again but was back again in another hour.  Same problem of engine running roughly.

The head mechanic decided he should ride along with her.  When they got in the car, she pulled out the choke and hung her purse from it.

Modern cars have automatic chokes and we don't think about such things anymore.  We might if we have certain small engines that won't start unless the choke is pulled out, and we know once the engine is running, the choke has to be pushed in to get full power.