Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Change the guard, let the Guard come home

I heard on Minnesota Public Radio that Donald Rumsfeld might go and then got confirmation via the online New York Times. Now maybe in a month or two the war will be run right and start to wind down. I hope Robert Gates is not a yes man and can open Bush’ eyes that the world is not as Bush dreams or wishes it was.

I’ve been keeping an NPR Election screen up all day on Virginia ( I wonder what gives with that last precinct. Strangely, the vote totals keep changing.

Given that Lieberman is one of the independents and that Bernie Sanders caucused with the Democrats when he was in the House, that guarantees a balance at least. If Webb wins in Virginia, then it tips to the Democrats. Even then, so many Republicans are not supportive of Bush that he has lost his rubber stamps. A divided government is very good for governance.