Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Vote your conscience, not the polls

Lynnell Mickelsen wrote in today's Star Tribune that Peter Hutchinson supporters should vote for Mike Hatch to prevent Tim Pawlenty from serving a second term. She called this abandonment of Hutchinson in favor of Hatch "doing the right thing".

I wrote a letter to the Star Tribune in response to her suggestion that people vote according to the polls rather than what you really believe. The Star Tribune asks for exclusive rights, and so I can't publish the full text here.

However, I did mention that according to the polls Dewey should have beaten Truman in 1948 and that according to the polls Ventura would have come in third in 1998 against Humphrey and Coleman.

When you vote next Tuesday, do the “right thing” as you see it, not as someone else sees it.