Thursday, May 07, 2009

Is a moderate major party coming soon?

David Brooks doesn't suggest a coming party realignment in "The Long Voyage Home", New York Times, 2009-05-05, as much as he gives a prescription for how the Republican Party can get back to its own basic message of people working together. He complains that the Republicans have become too much the party of individualism and freedom and have lost sight that most people live in communities that they want to see work. The Republicans have also elevated means like capitalism and tax cuts to holy principles and ends in themselves.

What is interesting is some of the comments that the editors selected for separate listing. Most were thoughtful on the idea of our need to build community and work more at the local level than have the federal government solve everything.

Will this reasoned view of possibilities lead to the formation of a more pragmatic party as a counter to the two parties that are controlled more by ideology than making things work?