Saturday, May 09, 2009

Some thoughtful viewing, an interview with Jane Goodall

The Web is a sticky thing. You follow a thread and find another thread and get stuck on the new thread. If you're not careful, you'll get stuck on the Web just like a fly on a spider's web.

I was doing some research on torture and stumbled on an interview with Jane Goodall. It is "Divine Impulses: Jane Goodall, Highlights" with Sally Quinn, Washington Post, On Faith. If you have time, select instead the Extended Interview from the sidebar.

Goodall goes into some of the behavior of chimps from brutal behavior to quasi-religious, as well as some of her own reflections on a "divine power".

You can also find an interview with her on a To the Best of Our Knowledge podcast, "Future Perfect, Dreamers, Schemers, and Visionaries: Part Three, Our Earth".