Sunday, May 23, 2010

Don't play golf with a bear

Bears are very impolite golfers.  They don't replace their divots.

All along one path at our Brimson place there are many gouges.  A bear or bears have come along looking for grubs and other goodies under ground.  It couldn't be truffles, could it?  Anyhow, the path looks like a mess.

One advantage is that the bear may help me select rocks that I could move off the path.  This path is strewn with big rocks that make pulling a cart of firewood a lot more effort than over smooth ground.  The bear dug along the edge of some of these rocks.  Those rocks may be candidates for lifting out with a pry bar.

Or the rocks could be like in the cartoon: A man is digging a rock out of his yard and says to his wife, "I'll be in for lunch as soon as I get this rock out."  However, the rock is so huge that it goes under the house.