Thursday, September 01, 2011

Animals: You bought it, you keep it

Last weekend I saw a brown rabbit at the side of a path.  It didn't move as I approached.  I bent down and took this picture.

As I stood up, it bounded away.

Was it "hiding" in plain sight?  Was it tame and unafraid?

Given that the rabbit was brown rather than grey, a friend suggested that it was a descendant of a pet rabbit released in the wild.  Considering its size, I would say it was born this spring.  But, because it didn't run away as I approached, like the wild ones in our Duluth yard, I would say it had been owned by people who had held it and petted it.

If you buy an "easter bunny", please keep it and care for it for its lifetime.  You aren't doing it any favors by releasing it in the countryside somewhere.  This week I saw its corpse lying by the side of the path a few hundred feet from where I had seen it before.  I didn't take a picture and I won't write a description of what I saw.

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