Sunday, September 04, 2011

Hard-earned dollars or cushy union jobs, make up your mind

Many politicians, Democrat, Republican, and others, laud the hard-earned dollars of workers and executives without regard to what they actually do.  Many Republicans and conservative commentators imply that all union workers are over-paid.  Excuse me, if all workers have hard-earned dollars, how can any be overpaid?

The latest claim of inefficient union workers is "Unions promote lower performance" by Nathan Jamail published in the Duluth News Tribune, 2011-09-04.  Among his claims is that unions are responsible for the outsourcing of jobs.  He hasn't read the About window for Adobe Photoshop Elements.  All the programmers have Indian names.  I didn't know that Adobe had union programmers.  If they don't have union programmers, then why are they outsourcing programming in such a large scale to India?

He didn't mention all the overpaid financial wizards who got six figure bonuses for helping defraud widows on refinancing their homes.  Nor did he mention the "unproductive" union firefighter who rescued a widow from her burning home.

If you want a kinder view of unions, read Phil Nast's "Denying their [unions] benefit denies history".  I am a bit biased on this, Phil is a friend.