Saturday, February 18, 2012

Quote of the day: Stealing the Constitution

"The far right is now stealing the Constitution in plain sight. I don’t speak here of ordinary conservatives who may differ with me on the scope of the Commerce Power or the meaning of the 11th Amendment but of the Bachmanns, the Perrys, the Pauls (father and son). These charlatans are not being answered as they should be, in part because too many progressives see only the imperfection and shame in the Constitution’s history and blind themselves to the promise of its text." - "The Constitution: A Love Story", Garrett Epps, The American Prospect 2011-10-17.

This was another of the serendipitous finds made as I wandered from one link to another.

 The comments to this article are just awful, not just because I disagree with the Constitutional points made, but the attitude is so ad hominem or generalized, like "all liberals". Note that Epps doesn't attack "conservatives" in general, but those who raise specific points that would bother anybody who loves the Constitution.