Monday, February 27, 2012

Why no military can be trusted

No military can admit a weakness.  It can be exploited by an enemy.  Therefore a military must hide problems from its own country.

I mused upon this from a comment in a University for Seniors class at the University of Minnesota, Duluth.  The class is "The Future of Energy".  One of the members pointed out that the U.S. Navy has been running ship-born nuclear reactors and has had no nuclear accidents.

Who says so?  The U. S. Navy.  Why?  If there are any problems, they can't let them be known to potential enemies.  Therefore, besides its bureaucratic interest, the U. S. Navy cannot admit any problems to the U. S. public.

However, there are always leaks.  See "WHEN INCIDENTS ARE ACCIDENTS: The Silent Saga of the Nuclear Navy".

Remember, SNAFU, FUBAR, and other pejoratives are about the fallibility of the military.  If the Right says that government can't do anything right, why does the Right insist that the military can do it right?