Saturday, July 20, 2013

Disconnect on surveillance?

As I easily stopped for a yellow light this afternoon, a driver in the other lane came whipping by me and went through the light that had already turned red.  If there had been a surveillance camera at that intersection, he or she would soon be receiving a ticket.

However, many consider robo-cops a bad idea, an infringement of rights, etc. etc.

My question is, of the people who protest about being caught disobeying a traffic law, how many are all for the excessive NSA surveillance of telephone and internet usage?

In the first case, a person is caught doing something illegal.  In the second case, a person may only be thought to be doing something illegal.

Whether one is killed or injured by a terrorist with a bomb or killed or injured by somebody running a red light is rather a moot point.  One is just as dead or hurt by either illegal activity.