Saturday, April 04, 2009

I am a busker

I had a message on my answering machine yesterday that I will be busking at Tweed Museum on the UMD campus on April 18 from 11 to 2. The busking is part of the Gallery Hop, a tour of art galleries in Duluth organized by the Public Arts Commission.

The call was because the caller couldn't quite decipher my email address; she wanted to send written confirmation. I know my handwriting can be bad, but my printing too? I left a message this morning.

I also sent in an application yesterday for a busking permit for the season to the Parks and Recreation Department. I probably shouldn't have. Only twenty will be selected. I probably wouldn't even perform once a week, and if I were selected, I would be taking the slot of someone who would perform more often. I'll have to ask to have my application put at the bottom of the pile.

Now I have to get cracking on memorizing several songs.