Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mileage tax for pedestrians

State Representative John Overthere is pushing to tax pedestrians based on how much they walk. He says that pedestrians are a minority in our state and are not paying their fair share for the sidewalks they use. He claims that it is grossly unfair to have homeowners and other property owners pay for sidewalks that they never use. Most people go out their back door to the garage and drive away. They have no use for sidewalks. Can't you tell by the number of unshovelled walks in the winter?

Rep. Overthere's bill would mandate that all pedestrians wear state-sanctioned pedometers whenever they are on a public walkway. Pedestrians would have to have them checked once a month and pay the applicable tax. The fine for not having an official pedometer would be $100 for the first offense and $200 for subsequent offenses in the same year.

Immediate opposition was raised by ARM (Association of Runners of Marathons). They claimed the tax would strongly discourage marathon runners and would greatly reduce the amount of sales taxes paid during marathon events.

See "Oberstar pushing to tax motorists based on how much they drive", Duluth News Tribune, 2009-04-29