Friday, March 13, 2009

Too many notes!

I was going to make a note of our latest bottle of wine on my iPod for future reference. But why? I have so many notes I can't find them all. Slips of paper. Bound books. Steno books. Full size spiral notebooks. Files all over my computer.

I keep adding ideas for blogs or things to do, and the list gets bigger and bigger. I really have to have the attitude of a 92-year-old man mentioned on a recent "To the Best of Our Knowledge" podcast. He was sitting next to a woman the same age who lamented that she was ready to pack it in. He looked at her in shock and exclaimed "I plan to live to 142!"

I can write ideas for blogs faster than I can write the blogs themselves. Just below this draft in my March notes files are

Performance and efficiency as code words for less taxes
Should we save airline jobs? (As part of the whole ethos of saving jobs when the work has changed)
The model of economic growth has broken based on Thomas Friedman's "The Inflection is Near?"

What would I have written about the bottle of wine? Even though it was an organic, sulfite-free wine, it still gave my wife a headache later. It was a reasonable table wine, smooth and medium bodied. What was the name? I'd have to pull the bottle out of recycling. I guess we'll keep buying the organic, sulfite-free wine that doesn't give my wife a headache. Aging does get us in a rut. Wine does too.

Meanwhile I have another short blog on why I had difficulty sleeping last night.